Report a suspected problem with an animal medicine or microchip

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1. Overview

You can report an unexpected reaction to an animal medicine or microchip to the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD). You can also report if an animal medicine has not worked.

How you report the reaction depends on whether:

VMD will use the information you provide to help make sure that animal medicines and microchips are used safely and effectively.

2. Report an animal's reaction to animal medicine

You can report when a medicine may not have worked, or could have made your animal unwell.

You’ll be asked for details of:

  • the medicine, including batch number and marketing authorisation number if known
  • the animal that was affected, for example the species, breed and age
  • when and how the medicine was first given to the animal
  • the symptoms

Send your report

If you cannot report online

Download and fill in the form for reporting reactions in animals. Send it to the address on the form.

3. Report an animal's reaction to a microchip

You can report suspected incidents with animal microchips including:

  • a reaction to the chip being implanted, such as injury, infection or prolonged bleeding
  • if a chip’s moved from where it was implanted or has come out
  • a chip that does not read properly

You’ll need the microchip number to make a report.

Send your report

Contact VMD if you cannot report the incident online.

4. Report a person's reaction to animal medicine

You can report a suspected reaction you or someone else has had to an animal medicine while using it on an animal, for example a skin allergy.

You’ll be asked for details of:

  • the medicine, including the batch number and marketing authorisation number (if you know it)
  • the people affected - and how and when they came into contact with the medicine
  • the symptoms

Send your report

If you cannot report online

Download and fill in the form for reporting reactions in humans. Send it to the address on the form.

5. Contact VMD

Contact the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) Pharmacovigilance Team if you have any questions about reporting reactions.

VMD Pharmacovigilance Team
Telephone: 01932 336911
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